Company Managers

Every day we see or hear sales pitches for enterprise software claiming innovations and technologies that boost competitiveness with simplicity and flexibility. Often, however, these proposals take the form of mere marketing strategies that offer very little evidence to support their vague statements.

High-quality and flexible solutions have never been available to all businesses; the costs, the complexity of implementation, the times and, above all, the subsequent costs of management has, until now, inhibited any real advantages for most of the possible beneficiaries.


EcosAgile technology represents real innovation, resulting from a deep rethink of traditional software approaches on which competing solutions are based, enabling us to provide real demonstrations of implementation and management costs 50% lower than the market and similarly low activation times.

This is achieved through the use of models that logically describe objects and process relationships (as abstractions with respect to programs, tables and fields in a database); every aspect and every function can be adjusted without complex and expensive project phases,conserving all of the customizations introduced between each and every release update.
Our solution has unique features that provide our business clients with very significant benefits in terms of time, quality and cost.


Any of the functions in the package can be rendered immediately available without infrastructure and licence investments, through a subscription service (Cloud mode) or if you prefer, on your company DataCenter (on-Premise mode).
In either case, the applications can be customised according to your requirements quickly and inexpensively, both in Cloud subscription or user licence mode – installed on your DataCenter (on-Premise mode).


The processes supported by the package functions have been carefully analysed and are implemented by multinationals and companies of different sizes across different industries; they are continuously improved and updated in collaboration with study centres and key communities, without impairing the possibility of introducing flexible and agile customizations based on new or specific requirements.

Unlike our competitors, we guarantee that none of the specific needs of your company will ever be neglected and we offer a simple and flexible solution that can evolve over time naturally and with ease, with guaranteed results that set us apart from the others.

Reduction of costs and improved efficiency

  • Significant simplification of communications in all directions: Payroll service, Employees, Managers, Functional Managers/Directors, IT, General services, RSPP, etc.
  • Elimination of any redundancy between files (multiple upgrade costs, data inconsistencies, etc.)
  • Electronic document management (personal electronic documents folder)
  • Notifications, Timetables, Process workflows, Bulk processing, etc.

Information to support the company

  • Historical data evolution management, comprehensive data bases, always consistent and exportable
  • Global business perspectives, periodic reporting/queries on all the details regarding personnel/historical data,
    Business Intelligence analysis, KPI monitoring, etc.

Aligning people with strategies

  • Assessments, Talents, Development plans, Training management, skills,Performance management, etc.
  • MBO management, Labour costs, Budget, Benchmarking

Legislative compliance

  • Workplace safety
  • Medicine at work 
  • Administrative responsibility