Ad hoc Solutions

EcosAgile is a revolutionary software platform that offers distinctive advantages for the implementation of ad hoc business process solutions and/or vertical applications for the specific needs of the Client.

It has been successfully implemented in complex environments like RAD (Rapid Application Development) platforms to replace even highly specific legacy custom systems, for significant benefits in terms of management costs, data integrity and quality of the newly created application.

There are many possible benefits:


New applications are almost never created from scratch, but are based on pre-configured solutions, ready to facilitate project acceleration.


The application does not need to pass through all the conventional testing phases because it uses a framework that generates intrinsically correct applications based on user configurations.


Thanks to the flexibility of the environment, the project can begin with prototypes that are progressively reviewed and refined by the user (Agile methodology), significantly increasing user involvement, quality, and essentially, the overall effectiveness with which the entire project is managed.


The EcosAgile Framework has all the technical elements necessary to build complex business applications according to the highest quality standards (complete workflows, differentiated profiling logic, reporting tools, automatic management of the links between objects and historical data, integration and configuration management tools).

The combination of these features allows timely responses to the complex needs of our Clients, lowering times and costs, both in the development phase and especially throughout the application life cycle.

The EcosAgile platform ensures that projects ranging from simple prototypes to entire applications are developed in half the time required for conventional developments, to rapidly obtain the required functional quality without straining budgets, even for heterogeneous systems.

If requirements subsequently change, EcosAgile is able to adapt perfectly over time because it has the important feature of always allowing future alterations to be implemented quickly. Release updates can be applied without comprising the work already done, so even ad hoc developments can benefit from the new features introduced in the Framework by the update. The EcosAgile Framework may include any desired custom built components written in traditional languages outside the Framework, transparently handling navigation and security for the end user.

The EcosAgile platform can be used in Cloud mode to avoid any infrastructure and training investments and to allow immediate activation.

Clients can always choose to have the package installed on their Data Centers( in user licence or On-premise mode); with straightforward application management based on Microsoft servers and environments.