EcosAgile's coverage of a wide range of functions, represents a strength which very few other products can compare with. The pre-configured functions and available for virtually immediate use and always allow the client to implementcustomizations and adaptations(stored natively on the platform and retained across release updates).
The client's data is always protected and can be loaded directly by the user using simple xls files (especially if the client has other archives and/or other software to be replaced); data can always just as easily be downloaded directly by the user, for analysis, export and/or communications.
The various functions follow a modular logic and can be used together or individually, and these settings can be changed at a later date without project constraints.
Clients are free to choose activation strategies according to their own priorities: it is not, for example, necessary to begin with the Workforce personnel data module before proceeding with Development and/or Selection.
EcosAgile can be linked to existing ERP or HR systems, thus operating as a complementary system for specific processes and/or modules of interest.
EcosAgile provides integration management functions that support the importing and exporting of data into chosen formats and structures in a matter of minutes!
Each module facilitates the configuration of the desired Workflows, with reporting, analytics, timetables and notifications immediately available for selection and which are easily changeable and extendible.
Personal data (Employees / non-employees)Managing Third Parties (agency workers, professional contracts, suppliers)
Employment data
Historical analysis of contracts/employment events
Automated administrative tasks
Historical analysis/variations
Regulatory checks
Redundancy / suspension funds, unions
Notifications / timetables / scheduling
Scheduled and automatic events
Workflow processes
Personal documents electronic folder
Intragroup / Intercompany
Family, Disability, Emergency Contacts
Benefits, Funds
Company assets (cars, SIM cards, telephones, etc.)
Restaurant vouchers
Exit interview
Company Headquarters / Offices / ShopsCost centers
Organizational units, Departments, Markets, Business Units
Appointments, Referrals
Address books / Mailing lists
Organization Chart (Orgplus)
Time Management
Shift management, shift planningLeave/time off requests
Overtime requests
Holiday requests
Absence justifications
Absenteeism reports
Management of medical visitsInjuries
Job Description
Job risks (magnitude/probability)
Personal protection devices and equipment
Badges / remote controls / Tollway transponders / ViacardBusiness cards / personnel cards
Office stationery and equipment
Laptops / software
Motor vehicles / telephones / SIMs / internet keys etc.
Consumable materials stock
Resource planningJob Requisitions / Source Management
Requirements management
Curriculum archive
Recruiting channels
Collection from company website
Pre-screening / job interview
Regulatory checks
Links with employment / headhunter agencies
Offers / Letters
Compensation & Budget
Fixed salaryVariable compensation
Salary benchmarking
Salary grades
Cost of labour analysis
Budget modelling
Handling of management/remuneration events
Budget version / forecasts management
Budget version / analysis
Skills / Competencies (search / assessment)Skills Self-Assessment
Talent management
Development plans
Upward feedback
Qualifications / Certifications
Training needs
Training plans
Training management / Course Catalogue
On-line/Self Service courses
Manages course scheduling, sessions
Previous / external training
Staff CVs
Company library
Surveys / Questionnaires
Tutoring / mentoring
Staff development sheets
Succession plans
Mailing listGifts management
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Internal communications
Guidelines / procedures
Managing events / demonstrations
Reporting / Analytics
DashboardOn-page charts (histograms, pie, and radar)
Letters (configurable templates)
Factsheets / hot spots
Employee Self Service
Employee portalPersonal Information Updating
Administrative Information
Bank account
Emergency Contacts
CV Update
Skills Self-Assessment / Qualifications
View course catalogues / requests
Scholastic / professional education
Job postings / current searches / recommendations
Company policies / FAQ
Assessment / Questionnaires
Manager Self Service
Team information queriesAvailability of team documents folder
Team task assignments
Evaluation / Appraisal (goals, review)
Course requisition / Training needs
Project management
Approvals for Timesheets, Holidays, Overtime
Leave approvals
Transfers / Expenses Approvals
Project approvals
(bonus, property, etc., allocations)
Staff factsheets
Skills / qualifications queries
CV viewing
Assessment of candidates
Management of participants, graph rules/flowsActions on nodes and/or paths
(mail, sms, events, batches, etc.)
Visibility Rules for participant/node
Workflow variables management
Tracking of execution details
Job sequencesJob networks
Internal job step management
Definition of intervals, days of execution,
repetitions, immediate executions, etc.
Flat User InterfaceEvents interface
Import / export sheets
Conversion management
Staging area
Configurable validation rules
Management of delegations and approval substitutesPhysical crypting of single fields
Modification scanning
Management of certificates / digital signatures
Management of secure https/ssl protocols
Database management of documents/attachments
Configurable security levels for Manager Self Service
Display rules on values