
Roles and careers paths

Employees are looking for career progression every day, with opportunities to acquire new skills, develop new capabilities and, as result, access new roles and better positions within the organisation.

The role of employees in organisations is constantly evolving and has changed significantly in recent years. When well motivated, an employee is able to fulfil his or her potential, understood as the ability of an individual to grow and take on more responsibility in terms of size and scope, to perform increasingly broader and more complex tasks, to coordinate or direct other resources, to create development programmes that show what can be done in the future.

Depending on the company and its size, there are several possible roles a talent can play:

  • CEO - Chief Executive Officer: represents the company, has major responsibilities and directs the company towards its goals.
  • CFO - Chief Finance Officer: looks after the company's finances, assesses the risks of different activities and plans the finances.
  • CIO - Chief Information Officer: deals with the computerisation of the company, assesses the impact of technology on the work and the future of the company.
  • CTO - Chief Technical Officer: tells the company which technologies to choose for its products and services, with a long-term vision.
  • COO - Chief Operation Officer: manages and implements all the activities set out by the CEO.
  • CSO - Chief Sales Officer: responsible for selling the company's products and services.
  • CMO - Chief Marketing Officer: responsible for marketing activities (advertising, communications, public relations).
  • PM - Project Manager: responsible for the planning, execution, control and closing phases of a project.
  • HR manager: responsible for the management, selection, training and development of the company's human resources.
  • CRO - Chief Research and Development Office: directs the company's research and development department and manages the people involved in researching new technologies or methods.

For example, if an organisational chart is used to show the chain of command and the relationships between different departments, employees will have a clearer idea of the career path, ahead of them, giving them an incentive to move up the same organisational chart. The company itself will benefit in terms of growth and achievement of goals.

Successful organisations aim to have the right talent in the right positions, motivated people who can look beyond and lead the business into the future.

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