
Organisational Chart Models

Organisational Chart Models

Within a company, people are divided into departments or offices, they have specific roles, they deal with other people. Communication and coordination systems are designed to facilitate the flow of information in order to carry out projects or activities. Each person must be aware of his or her responsibilities and carry out his or her tasks to the best of his or her ability in order to achieve the objectives set.

Depending on business needs, there are several organisational models that can be adopted to map hierarchies, roles, tasks and departments.

Organisational Chart Models


  • Hierarchical organisational model showing the subdivision of entities and persons into homogeneous areas in terms of activity (administration, sales, marketing, etc.) with the grouping of employees by specialisation.
  • Model best suited to and used by small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Strengths: favours the development of in-depth skills and competences
  • Weaknesses: often slow response times and possible accumulation of decisions at the top.


  • Organisational model in which the entire organisation is divided into divisions, which are then organised internally on the basis of functional organisation charts.
  • Strengths: it encourages competition between departments and encourages everyone to do their best to achieve the best possible results.
  • Weakness: it does not provide coordination between departments and does not encourage the development of skills and specialisations outside one's own department.


  • Fusion of functional and divisional models
  • Composed horizontally of rows and vertically of columns, useful for highlighting multiple relationships
  • Model used by large companies, but also suitable for smaller companies, providing a detailed and clear representation
  • Highlights the responsibilities and roles of each actor, facilitating workflow, communication, human resource management and sharing
  • Strengths: enables the development of multiple skills and work on multiple projects
  • Weakness: can cause conflict between people

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