
Hybrid Work becomes more flexible

Hybrid Work Flexible Work Remote Work Coworking Meeting Smart Working Agile Work

Hybrid Work is the new term associated with flexible work, a balance of in-presence and remote work that is increasingly emerging as a new model in which people have the opportunity to work in different spaces, including offices, coworking spaces, and home.

In fact, employees are predisposed to a mixed choice of space and time management, choosing how many hours to work at home and how many hours to work in the office, performing remote and in-presence activities.

The role of HR in this new context is to provide innovative management of the environments available to employees. This is facilitated by the use of technological tools that ensure simplified and increasingly shared planning and organization.


Making meeting rooms and desks usable and sharable for hybrid use of workspaces requires companies to provide more agile schedules and spaces and consequently make availablereal time applications that allow them to check space availability, analyze locations on a map and reserve them for the period of actual use.

For attendance optimization and booking of workstations the EcosAgile Workspace tool offers support to employees. In just a few steps, shared spaces are booked for meetings, events and meeting rooms; access permissions, limitations, policies and notifications are set; statistics on room usage are viewed; and tools and accessories for each workstation are kept under control, scheduling occupancies with a constantly updated calendar.

At the entrance to meeting rooms, 10-inch EcosAgile eMeeting displays can be placed. These displays can provide immediate visibility of current and scheduled meetings by giving the option of booking slots that are still available thanks to the simple interface and attractive graphics.

Through these integrated systems, the entire planning process and the facility managers' own tasks are made simpler and more intuitive with improved productivity while avoiding interruption of ongoing activities.

On the other hand, for those who work remotely, it is possible to take advantage of the opportunities associated with digitalization by helping them apply and implement agile working through EcosAgile Smart Working. Employees clock in via smartphones, clock out via Timesheet in Cloud, keep track of activities performed and hours worked remotely, and communicate in real time with information and documentation sharing.

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